2014 September Updates - Mindmap
Finished: #
- Remote
- NoSQL Distilled
- Praktyczna Improwizacja
- Mistborn
- The Well of Ascension
- The Hero of Ages
- Corporation
- Reading Club, September 10
Failed: #
- I planned vacation with my wife. It did not happen unfortunately.
Plans for October: #
- Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration by Ed Catmull, Amy Wallace
- Game Programming Patterns by Bob Nystrom
- Refresh Healthy Programmer
- Buy Mac
- Buy device (to read programming books) eg. iPadMini. (this probably has to wait for another month)
Progress: #
- Memrise - 24/32 levels (last month it had 26 levels)
- Duolingo - almost finished
- Guitar - I bought new acoustic guitar and hope to start proper lessons this Saturday.
- iOS Programming - 12/29 chapters (I hope to buy Mac this month to speed it up)
- Swimming - once a week (right now it is on hold due to back ache)
Events: #
- ReadingClub - October
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