Stress Inoculation

How can you better respond to stress?

Stress inoculation in "Tools for Managing Stress & Anxiety | Huberman Lab Podcast #10".

More accurately, it's about increasing your stress capacity. You want to stress the body but calm the mind at the same time. You can stress the body in any way you like:

  1. Ice bath
  2. Cold shower
  3. Exercise (80% or more of your capacity)
  4. Wim Hoff breathing
  5. (and many others)

But, the best way to relax your mind while you're stressed is by deliberately dilating your gaze so that you can see yourself in the environment. Stress will usually focus your vision (tunnel vision), so you're trying to do the opposite.

So the full practice can be:

  1. Do Wim Hoff breathing exercise and dilate your gaze when your body gets into a higher activation state.
  2. Exercise (elevated heart rate) and deliberately dilate your gaze.

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