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Tagged “Fantasy”

  1. Book Review: The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie

  2. Book Review: Faith of the Fallen by Terry Goodkind

  3. Book Review: Soul of the Fire by Terry Goodkind

  4. Book Review: Temple of the Winds by Terry Goodkind

  5. Book Review: Blood of the Fold by Terry Goodkind (#3 Sword of Truth)

  6. Book Review: Stone of Tears by Terry Goodkind

  7. Book Review: The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson (Mistborn #3)

  8. Book Review: The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson (Mistborn #2)

  9. Book Review: Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson (Book 1)

  10. Book Review: The Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson

  11. Book Review: A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms by George R. R. Martin

  12. Book Review: Sword of Truth: Book 1 Wizard's First Rule (1994) by Terry Goodkind

  13. Book Review: Wool by Hugh Howey

  14. Book Review: The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson

  15. Book Review: The Rise of Endymion by Dan Simmons

  16. Toy Wars by Andrzej Ziemiański

  17. The White Rose by Glen Cook

  18. The Daylight War by Peter V. Brett

  19. Book Review: The Desert Spear by Peter V. Brett

  20. Review: Pomnik Cesarzowej Achai t.3 by Andrzej Ziemiański

  21. 2014 December Update

  22. Ice by Jacek Dukaj

  23. 2013 October Update - Code & Node.js in Action

  24. 2013 September Update - The Healthy Programmer

  25. 2013 August Update: Canvas + Fantasy

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