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Tagged “tip”

  1. Best Articles form 2300 Pocket List

  2. faster command line keyboard settings

  3. Repair GRUB2 Boot

  4. netbeans.conf - How to make NetBeans faster

  5. Missing GPG keys

  6. Bashrc vs BashProfile

  7. getElementById - how to check it

  8. What Should Every Programmer Know About Web Development

  9. text-overflow: ellipsis for easy "..."

  10. Komodo Edit Themes

  11. Easy Unit Testing

  12. Git in Windows

  13. Bootstrap Toolkit from Twitter

  14. Windows batch - send message

  15. Add Lancher to Gnome-Shell dash

  16. Git Cheatsheet

  17. JavaScript Tips and Tricks

  18. JavaScript Strip Tags

  19. Easily renaming many files

  20. Linux: search and replace recursively

  21. To remember: IE cuts off html on JS errors

  22. Java Boolean in a loop

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