Community Habits
Is your daily schedule helping you?
I've got asked about some examples of Community Habits in the context of my post about Keystone habits.
It's best to read it first if you're unfamiliar with the idea.
Done? Ok, Let's go into it.
Dayil Keystone Habits: Community #
The idea of keystone habits is to do something small daily to support the given part of your life.
In my case, I wasn't so successful in implementing daily community habits. The only ones that work for me daily are:
- Chat over the morning coffee (when at the office or on the weekend)
- Standup at work
It's not that I don't have better ideas, but nothing else worked for me on a daily schedule.
3 Times a Week Is a Habit #
I heard this first in Podcast #843: 7 Ways to Achieve Tranquility by Tuesday, but you can find it in 3 Times a Week Is a Habit by Laura Vanderkam on medium.
And when it comes to most habits, a seven-day mentality — instead of a 24-hour one — can be life-changing.
I'm using it now, and it really is helpful.
Rather than ask what you've done at the end of a day, ask yourself what you've done over the past week.
Keystone Habits: Community #
So I've redefined my idea of Keystone Habits to a weekly schedule.
Some examples of what I've been doing in this schedule:
- Volunteering
- Mentoring (I have a weekly schedule)
- Gym with a friend
- Any small group activity - yoga, martial arts, where there is at least a semi-permanent group
I'm not doing all of it right now, and even when I have the time, it's only once a week. I still get many benefits out of it. What counts is that they happen; having them on a schedule makes them happen.
Community #
Having events, I look forward to in the future works great, even if they happen a lot less often.
- Recurring meetings with friends (e.g., book club every 2 months)
- Meet.js Kraków meetups
- Vacations or small family adventures
- Visiting our extended family
Hope you can get some ideas from this. Please feel free to share :)
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