Full list of all posts

Includes posts, monthly newletters and Learn JS newsletters posts

  1. 2024 May. Scooter

  2. Impact of LLMs on Interviewing in 2024

    Is cheating during the programmer interview required "best practice" now?

  3. 2024 April. Kindle Scribe

  4. 2024 March. Walking

    Splunk a Cisco company

  5. The System by Robert B. Reich

    Who Rigged It, How We Fix It

  6. 2024 February. Don't Share Your Goals.

    Deny, Diminish, Distract, Defend

  7. 2024 January. Sick & Tired

    Nothing much happened as I was feeling unwell a lot.

  8. 2023 December. D3

    Primary focused on work and some vacation at the end of the month.

  9. How Emotions Are Made

    Notes from a book and why I didn't finish it.

  10. VSCode

    Notes from a new VSCode Setup

  11. 2023 November. Splunk

    Starting up a new role at Splunk

  12. Midlife: A Philosophical Guide by Kieran Setiya

    Can you think yourself out of a Midlife crisis? Maybe.

  13. 2023 October. Blogging and Reading

    Finishing things up before a new job.

  14. Fasting Diet

    Can you lose weight with fasting? Yes, but.

  15. Techno-optimist

    Notes on techno-optimist manifesto.

  16. An Intuitive Approach to Understand Electricity

    Hydraulic analogy helps you to finally understand electricity

  17. Open-Source

    Collection of interesting articles about open-source software.

  18. Astroturfing

    Beware of fake grassroots organizations.

  19. Proof that Technical Debt is Slowing You Down: Code Red

    Data-Backed Confirmation: Technical Debt's Detrimental Impact, Unveiled!

  20. oklch() CSS Color

    Best color notation in CSS

  21. Fake jobs

    Job Seekers Beware of Ghost Jobs

  22. System Design Interview

    Book review of System Design Interview – An insider's guide by Alex Xu

  23. 2023 September. Interviewing and Fasting.

    Looking for a new position. Looking into Vegan Diets and Fasting for weight loss.

  24. 2023 August. Vacation. Craft. Fasting.

    Mountains, family time.

  25. 2023 July. Reading Books and being a Frontend Instructor.

  26. 2023 June. Books.

  27. 2023 May. AI, Purpose, Solitude. Taking a break.

    Bye, Remitly.

  28. 2023 April. Babysitting.

    Unproductive month. Almost all the time, someone at home was ill. 5 Tibetan Rites. Tabata.

  29. Golang

    Thoughts and observations about Golang after learning it for a couple of months.

  30. 2023 March. Taking a break. Biophilia.

    I will take some time off in the upcoming months.

  31. Teaching Tech Together Book Summary

    How can you teach programming?

  32. Want to remember more of your life?

    Ideas for improving autobiographical/episodic memory.

  33. 2023 February. Teaching Observability.

    Golang, Prometheus, TypeScript, Management, and many other things going on.

  34. Community Habits

    Is your daily schedule helping you?

  35. 2023 January. New Keyboard.

    New keyboard, new furniture, learning Go and TypeScript at the same time.

  36. 2022 December. Tooth. Time off.

    Tough time, but I also learned about the importance of taking time off.

  37. 2022 November. Sick.

    For the whole month, I had at least one person sick at home.

  38. 2022 October. Cleaning Pocket backlog, learning Golang, and counting steps.

    A productive month, but I've gained most of it back. Yes, it's a 🪀. The good thing is that I walked more because of a walking challenge at work. I also started going outside in the morning as I started feeling less sun was impacting my sleep and mood.

  39. 2022 September. Fasting and Meet.js meetup presentation.

    I did almost 9 days of prolonged fast and talked about Snapshot Unit testing at Meet.js Kraków.

  40. Prolonged fasting

    My experience with prolonged fasting

  41. 2022 August. Investing and Gym.

    I've put more time into figuring out investing and put some money into EFTs.

  42. Life categories. Work-life balance and much more.

    Have you ever wondered how to balance your life and make sure you live with your values?

  43. 2022 July. Programming and short vacation.

    Writing more code. Learning. Small habits.

  44. Designing a human process around pathological cases leads to processes that are themselves pathological.

  45. 2022 June. Conferences.

    Taking a break and doing more engineering.

  46. 2022 May. Resting.

    Taking a break and doing more engineering.

  47. 2022 April. Tired and Cynical.

  48. 2022 March. Letting go.

  49. 2022 February. War

  50. Can you treat trauma by better sensing your body?

    Book review of The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma.

  51. Interoception

    My notes on interoception

  52. How to create a simple redirect from Blogspot to your new blog

    I wanted to redirect from my old blog to a new one, but redirect to the same content you wanted to see.

  53. 2022 January. The Scientific 7-minute workout.

  54. 2021 December. toki pona

    Import of old posts. toki pona. Scientific 7-minute workout. Learning like woodworking. Designing Data-Intensive Applications.

  55. 2021 November. In a hurry.

  56. 2021 October. Meetings

  57. 2021 September. Books

  58. 2021 August. Mistakes and Tradoffs.

  59. 2021 July. Stress and Family Time

  60. Perfectionism

    How to deal with your perfectionism?

  61. 2021 June. Trying to do less.

  62. 2021 May is Mental Health Awareness Month

  63. Tuckman Was Wrong. There are no stages to in group development.


  64. On Good Meetings

    Thoughts and resources about meetings.

  65. 2021 April. Dealing with Stress.

  66. Growth Mindset

    Does it make any difference for learning?

  67. 2021 March. Learning, Stress, Feedback, Performance Reviews and Purpose.

  68. Stress Inoculation

    How can you better respond to stress?

  69. NSDR Non Sleep Deep Rest

    Best ways to recharge and solidify knowledge.

  70. Purpose

    What is purpose?

  71. 2021 February. Work.

  72. What is neuroticism and how to lower it?

    Tips for managing your high neuroticism.

  73. Introversion and Solitude

    My notes, quotes, and ideas I've found useful.

  74. 2021 January. Childcare.

  75. Unicorn Developer

    Developers nowadays need to write the user interface, backend server, native apps, manage the database, and admin it in production while being proficient in the business domain. Is this possible and real?

  76. Sleep

    Things I’ve learned about sleep and rest.

  77. How to Give and Receive feedback

    Everything I know about feedback

  78. The Proximity Principle

    Proximity is an underused design principle that can help you create code that's much easier to maintain over time.

  79. Meditation

    Everything about meditation that I can recommend.

  80. 2020 December. Stress and Rest

  81. Keystone habits

    Planning for your worst days.

  82. 2020 November. Management.

  83. Working Effectively with(out) Tests.

    How to effectively work with code without test and how to add tests to your project for them to help you the most.

  84. 2020 October. Tech Lead.

  85. Choosing the Management Track. Notes on Becoming a Tech Lead

    Thoughts and resources for new managers.

  86. Are media news information or entertainment?

    Book review of Amusing Ourselves to Death

  87. 2020 September Update. Learning about Management.

  88. Ugh field or Why can't you do this task?

    How your emotions can stop you from doing your work.

  89. 2020 August. Efficiency and "time is money" thinking is terrible.

  90. 2020 July Update. Working on the Hyperapp book.

  91. 2020 June Update.

  92. Nine Lies About Work by Marcus Buckingham and Ashley Goodall

  93. What questions to ask the company during an interview?

    There is lot's of books and resoureces to prepare for the inteview. How to answer questions, but how do you know if that's a rigth job for you?

  94. 2020 May Update. Learning about Stress and Burnout.

    May is a Mental Health Awareness Month.

  95. How to destructure an array of objects or any mix of objects and arrays in JavaScript?

    Learn JS: Destructuring, Lesson 7.

  96. Does scarcity of time cause burnout?

    Transcript of The Scarcity Trap by NPR Hidden Brain podcast.

  97. Why you shouldn't use SASS parent suffixes and what to do instead.

    Constructing class names seems like useful DRY optimization. You don't have to type so much. What is wrong with it?

  98. How to destructure arrays in JavaScript?

    Learn JS: Destructuring, Lesson 6.

  99. How to destructure deeply nested objects in JavaScript ES6?

    Learn JS: Destructuring, Lesson 5.

  100. Why is disagree and commit a bad strategy?

  101. Are you doing everything right, but find yourself unfulfilled?

    Can ACT therapy help you live a happier life?

  102. The best advice for conference or meetup organizers, virtual or physical.

    Materials I've found useful over the years as an organizer.

  103. Why YAML is used for configuration when it's so bad and what can you do about it?

    YAML replaced JSON, which replaced XML as a format for configuration files. Looking at the transitions to learn how to deal with YAML right now.

  104. 2020 April Update. The second month of staying at home.

  105. Why You Shouldn't Aim To Feel Productive?

    Feeling productive and being productive are different things. Learn the difference.

  106. Uncommon Sense Course Recommendation

    Some alternative views that are counter-intuitive or at least uncommon in the broader tech community.

  107. Learn JS by reading sources of micro libraries.

  108. Free resources during the pandemic

    There are two problems a lot of people are struggling right now with. Finding something to do and worrying about financial security.

  109. 2020 March Update

  110. Learn JS. Are you looking for a new JavaScript job? Three things you can do when looking for new opportunities.

  111. Code Style that breaks clean code rules: Space Shuttle Style

    You should avoid comments and your code should be self-documenting. It's good advice but, is it always true?

  112. 2020 February Update

  113. How to set up a Haskell project

    Installation and set up of Haskell Stack on a new machine

  114. Lambda Days 2020

    Notes from the conference

  115. 2020 January Update

  116. Notes from Node.js Design Patterns

  117. Notes from Professor Frisby's Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming

  118. Notes from Software Design X-Rays by Adam Tornhill

    Groundbreaking book about software.

  119. Why did you fail at your New Year's resolutions? Learn the secrets of creating habits.

    Most important lessons learned from "Atomic Habits" by James Clear

  120. 2019 December Update

  121. 2019 November Update

  122. How to tell stories? Summary and Review of Storyworthy by Matthew Dicks

    Praise for Storyworthy: Engage, Teach, Persuade, and Change Your Life through the Power of Storytelling

  123. 2019 October Update

  124. How to destructure property to a different name?

    Learn JS: Destructuring Lesson 4.

  125. How to use destructuring with Options Object JS Pattern?

    Learn JS: Destructuring Lesson 3.

  126. Sign up to the Blog Newsletter

  127. 2019 September Update

  128. How to have a destructuring assignment with a default value?

    Learn JS: Destructuring Lesson 2.

  129. The Coddling of the American Mind by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt

    How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure.

  130. How to use destructuring assignment to access object property?

    Learn JS: Destructuring Lesson 1.

  131. Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport

    On Living Better with Less Technology

  132. 2019 August Update

  133. Knowledge sharing at work

    How to share learning in the team and across teams in the whole organization.

  134. Two architecture rules more people should follow

    How can you better structure code and think about web applications?

  135. Feeling Good by David D. Burns

    Learn Cognitive Bechavioral Therapy - it's useful even if you don't have any health issues.

  136. 2019 July Update

  137. You Don't Know JS: Scope & Closures (#2) by Kyle Simpson.

    How scope and closures work in JS. What is Hoisting?

  138. Learn JS. How to run JavaScript in the browser

  139. Does technology improve or degrade by default?

    Inspired by a great talk by Jonathan Blow, I've gathered my thoughts on technology and children, abstractions and learning.

  140. Learn JS. Hoisting (3). Example with scope

  141. Learn JS. Hoisting (2). Temporal Dead Zone

  142. Learn JS. Hoisting (1)

  143. Start of Learning JS weekly

  144. New newsletter focused on learning JavaScript.

  145. How to test React Components?

  146. How to test onSubmit in react-testing-library

    Click on the submit button isn't working. How to test it properly?

  147. Object-Oriented Design Criticism

    I share the criticism of Object-Oriented programming and design that I find inspiring.

  148. Object-Oriented Design Criticism

  149. Estimates are relative

  150. Estimates are relative

    How I realized that all tasks are relative and you might not need numerical estimates.

  151. Strong Opinions, weakly held

  152. Is "Strong Opinions, weakly held" good advice?

    I make a dive into the origins of this term. What does it mean? When does it make sense?

  153. How to set up Rails on a Mac

    How I wasted a lot of time to set up Ruby and RoR.

  154. How and why set up a blog with Eleventy

    I try to note the process of building this blog.

  155. What the Hell is Going On?

  156. You Don't Know JS: Up & Going (#1) by Kyle Simpson

    Introduction to the book series and to JavaScript in general.

  157. When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi

    A memoir about neurosurgeon dying of cancer. His story and thoughts before death.

  158. The Abolition of Work

  159. New blog domain: kula.blog

  160. Learned Optimism by Martin Seligman

    Book about two things. First - memoir and a short history of positive psychology. Second - differences between pessimism and optimism. How helplessness and depression connect to them.

  161. Moonwalking with Einstein by Joshua Foer

    What is the value of learning and memories in modern days and if mnemonic techniques can help us remember more?

  162. New Domain

  163. SJW

  164. Sprint stretch goals are harmful.

  165. 2019 February. Update - Moving to kula.blog

  166. 5 things I learned from "How to train your BASH" by Marcin Stożek "Perk"

  167. You want to stay relevant as a software developer for the next 10 years?

  168. Book Review: Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions by Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths

  169. Book Review: Masters of Doom by David Kushner

  170. I've spent an hour debugging XSRF error because of ... fetch

  171. Book Review: The Art of Manliness: Classic Skills and Manners for the Modern Man by Brett McKay

  172. Book Review: Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari

  173. Pomodoro Yo-yo Effect

  174. Book Review: Influence by Robert B. Cialdini

  175. Morning Paper Series About Architecture and The Rise of Worse is Better

  176. Small improvements to keyboard layout

  177. Book Review: Deep Work by Cal Newport

  178. The Strange and Marvelous World of Keyboards

  179. NVM or N

  180. Simplicity Talk from Meet.js Summit 2016

  181. CraftConf 2016 Review

  182. Hero's Journey in Presentations

  183. How to Learn when Life is Short

  184. How Music Works by David Byrne

  185. Book Review: So Good They Can't Ignore You by Cal Newport

  186. The Now Habit A Strategic Program for Overcoming Procrastination and Enjoying Guilt-Free Play by Neil A. Fiore

  187. Book Review: Presentation Zen by Garr Reynolds

  188. Book Review: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain

  189. Book Review: Multiplayer Game Development with HTML5 by Rodrigo Silveira

  190. Book Review: Martian by Andy Weir

  191. Course Review: The Bitfountain iOS 8 with Swift Immersive

  192. Book Review: Think Like a Freak (Freakonomics #3) by Steven D. Levitt, Stephen J. Dubner

  193. Book Review: The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards

  194. Book Review: The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie

  195. Book Review: Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja John Resig and Bear Bibeault

  196. Book Review: Faith of the Fallen by Terry Goodkind

  197. Book Review: Soul of the Fire by Terry Goodkind

  198. Book Review: Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki

  199. Book Review: Temple of the Winds by Terry Goodkind

  200. Book Review: Nonviolent Communication A Language of Life by Marshall B. Rosenberg

  201. Status of Entrepreneur

  202. Book Review: Blood of the Fold by Terry Goodkind (#3 Sword of Truth)

  203. Book Review: 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss

  204. Book Review: OpenGL SuperBible (5th edition)

  205. Book Review: Good to Great by James C. Collins

  206. Book Review: 48 Laws of Power

  207. Book Review: The Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman

  208. Product Vision Statement

  209. The Psychology of Doing Nothing

  210. Plans for 2015

  211. 2014 December Spanish

  212. 2014 November Update

  213. Book Review: Game Programming Patterns by Robert Nystrom

  214. Book Review: Back of the Napkin by Dan Roam

  215. Book Review: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams

  216. Book Review: Stone of Tears by Terry Goodkind

  217. Boook Review: iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (4th Edition) (Big Nerd Ranch Guides) by Joe Conway, Aaron Hillegass , Christian Keur

  218. 2014 November Priorities

  219. Book Review: Writing Tools: 50 Essential Strategies for Every Writer by Roy Peter Clark

  220. Book Review: An Introduction to Programming in Go by Caleb Doxsey

  221. 2014 October Update

  222. Go-Lang First Steps

  223. Course Review: Learning How to Learn

  224. Book Review: Mastery by Robert Greene

  225. 2014 November Finished "Advanced Vocabulary" course on Memrise

  226. Learning

  227. Book Review Creativity, Inc. by Ed Catmull with Amy Wallace

  228. Book Review: The Alloy of Law by Brandon Sanderson

  229. Finished Duolingo English Course

  230. 2014 September Updates - Mindmap

  231. Rules of Productivity

  232. Convenient Node Debugger Run by NPM

  233. Book Review: The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson (Mistborn #3)

  234. How to use NPM packages from private repositories on bitbucket

  235. Book Review: The Corporation by Joel Bakan

  236. Book Review: The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson (Mistborn #2)

  237. Book Review: Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson (Book 1)

  238. Book Review: Praktyczna improwizacja. Jak techniki improwizacji mogą usprawnić każdy aspekt Twojego życia by Michał Mącznik, Artur Król

  239. Book Review: NoSQL Distilled by Martin Fowler

  240. Book Review: Remote by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson

  241. 2014 August Update - IDGAF

  242. Book Review: Thinking with Type by Ellen Lupton

  243. Book Review: The Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson

  244. Book Review: Hooked by Nir Eyal

  245. Book Review: A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms by George R. R. Martin

  246. Book Review: Switch by Heath Brothers

  247. Book Review: Design of Everyday Things by Donal A. Norman

  248. Book Review: Your Brain at Work by David Rock

  249. Book Review: Getting Things Done by David Allen

  250. 2014 July Update - Mindset

  251. Book Review: Decisive - Heath Brothers

  252. Book Review: Effective Objective-C 2.0 by Matt Galloway

  253. Book Review: Meditations by Emperor of Rome Marcus Aurelius

  254. Note to Myself: Learn Videogame Development Like Woodworking

  255. Book Review: Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon

  256. Book Review: Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

  257. 2014 June Update

  258. Book Review: The Art of Game Design: A book of lenses by Jesse Schell

  259. Book Review: Sword of Truth: Book 1 Wizard's First Rule (1994) by Terry Goodkind

  260. Book Review: Presentation Zen Design by Garr Reynolds

  261. Memrise and Duolingo

  262. Book Review: Wool by Hugh Howey

  263. Book Review: Foundation HTML5 Animation with JavaScript by Billy Lamberta and Keith Peters

  264. Book Review: The First 20 Hours by Josh Kaufman

  265. Book Review: The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson

  266. Book Review: The Rise of Endymion by Dan Simmons

  267. Securing Node.js Applications

  268. Book Review: Search Inside Yourself by Chade-Meng Tan

  269. Book Review: Made to Stick by Heath Brothers

  270. Safari Mobile CSS VW and VH units bug.

  271. Toy Wars by Andrzej Ziemiański

  272. Best Articles form 2300 Pocket List

  273. The White Rose by Glen Cook

  274. The Daylight War by Peter V. Brett

  275. Book Review: The Desert Spear by Peter V. Brett

  276. Mobile HTML5 by Estelle Weyl

  277. faster command line keyboard settings

  278. Review: How to Get People to Do Stuff by Susan Weinschenk

  279. The Book of GIMP

  280. Cache is King! Reminder what is cache and how to use it

  281. How to install CyanogenMod on Galaxy Nexus on Ubuntu

  282. Meet.js Performance Hackathon

  283. The Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt Review

  284. How to use github pages for optimized static website or game

  285. Review: Pomnik Cesarzowej Achai t.3 by Andrzej Ziemiański

  286. Gamedev.js Krakow 3D and Upcoming Meet.js Kraków

  287. Shadows Linger by Glen Cook

  288. The Black Company by Glen Cook

  289. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

  290. Gulp Express Nodemon

  291. Gulp.js

  292. HabitRPG - Game your life

  293. Animate in JavaScript or CSS?

  294. PL: Learn HTML5 Canvas Game Development

  295. 2014 December Update

  296. All about WebGL at SFHTML5

  297. ES6 Promises

  298. Ice by Jacek Dukaj

  299. Javascript Game Foundations - Ten Essentials

  300. Santa - game

  301. Hello Processing - learn to code in one hour

  302. 2013 November Update - MongoDB for Node.js Developers and Presentations

  303. 2013 October Update - Code & Node.js in Action

  304. 2013 September Update - The Healthy Programmer

  305. 2013 August Update: Canvas + Fantasy

  306. 2013 July Update - SICP, The Modern Web, Functional JavaScript

  307. 2013 June Update - Kaizen & Time Warrior

  308. Free JSBooks

  309. 2013 May Update - Design for Hackers - Meet.js - ReadingClub

  310. 2013 April Update - Seven Languages in Seven Weeks (in 2 weeks)

  311. Minimalist Manifesto

  312. 2013 April Update - Meet.js Krakow

  313. Learn 3D Rendering with Three.js

  314. 2013 March Effective JavaScript - Reading List Update

  315. Slides from my talk: Promises, Promises

  316. 2013 February. Reading Update

  317. Recommendations to STP

  318. Sitespeed.io - Performance reports of your site

  319. 2013 February. Reading list update

  320. Udacity HTML5 Game Development Classes Just Started!

  321. Promises in Code

  322. Promises and Deferreds - How I Stared To Like Them

  323. Mac Window Manager

  324. Why JavaScript

  325. What’s new for designers, January 2013

  326. Books To Read Before Interview

  327. 2012 December Reading list update

  328. Performance Calendar 2012

  329. WebSummary - SVG within HMTL5 Page - 2 December 2012

  330. Emmet - Meet better ZenCoding

  331. WebSummary - Insert coin to continue by @photonstorm - 25 November 2012

  332. Memrise - Learning words as planting flowers

  333. WebSummary - DOM vs Canvas - 18 November 2012

  334. WebSummary - Best Tech Videos - 11 November 2012

  335. WebSummary - fast JS, html5 myths and how to be a presenter. 6 November 2012

  336. Upcoming JS Events in Poland

  337. onGameStart 2012

  338. My Game: Canon Defense

  339. How to simulate slow connection (developer proxy in Node.js)

  340. Web Performance for the Curious

  341. TJ Holowaychuk: Components

  342. From Console to Chrome

  343. Go to Hell Flash - Presentation by Michal Budzynski

  344. Digesting JavaScript MVC by Addi Osmani

  345. Learn Git in 15 minutes

  346. Sublime Text 2 Released

  347. Wooga Pocket Island and Gladius 0.2

  348. Readlists - easy books from websites

  349. Vimcasts Workshop in Krakow

  350. Pure, functional JavaScript

  351. Low-Level JavaScript: *JS

  352. Learning CSS Selectors

  353. Pageflip

  354. My Stylesheets are a Mess!

  355. CSS Arrow Please!

  356. Tributary - live and responsive visual coding

  357. New GIT Homepage

  358. How to design a good API

  359. Cross Browser Extensions

  360. Learn VIM while playing game


  362. CSS compatibility in IE

  363. Tape Lines in Chrome

  364. Node.js Uncanny Lessons

  365. Online REPL

  366. Kickstrap

  367. Schema.org vs. Microformats

  368. Repair GRUB2 Boot

  369. HTML5 MMO - Browser Quest

  370. My Meet.JS Presentation

  371. netbeans.conf - How to make NetBeans faster

  372. Learn WebGL with Erik Moller

  373. Game Audio without Flash?

  374. Learn Backbone with Code School

  375. Missing GPG keys

  376. Bashrc vs BashProfile

  377. getElementById - how to check it

  378. Inventing on Principle

  379. B2G - Firefox OS

  380. 3D Tetris Tutorial

  381. HTML 5 ROCKS Even More!

  382. GLGE - building WebGL Game

  383. Stop WebKit Vendor Prefixes!

  384. Websites From Hell

  385. JavaScript UnitTesting with JSDev

  386. HTML5 Game Devs Blog

  387. CSS After IE6 Era

  388. Can I Use

  389. What Should Every Programmer Know About Web Development

  390. JavaScript Modules

  391. JavaScript - Performance and Style.

  392. text-overflow: ellipsis for easy "..."

  393. Mobile Performance

  394. innerWidth, zepto.js, Binary Data

  395. Design for Developers

  396. Linux Mint 12

  397. WebGL Playground & e-commerce

  398. Cryptography in JavaScript

  399. How To Learn Programming

  400. Writing forward-compatible websites

  401. DTrace in Node.js

  402. WebP

  403. JS Performance

  404. W3Conf Presentations

  405. Book Review: HTML5 Games Development by Example

  406. Mercury - HTML5 Content Editor

  407. Dark Patterns

  408. SONAR WebGL Presentation

  409. Videos from JSConf.eu

  410. SVG Site Design

  411. Subversion 1.7 Release

  412. I Will Not Learn Dart

  413. i18n in JavaScript

  414. Komodo Edit Themes

  415. JSConf.EU - Slides

  416. Easy Unit Testing

  417. Git in Windows

  418. Three.js Basics

  419. Convert Website to Kindle

  420. Rozmiar jest wrogiem

  421. jParallax - Create interactive landscapes

  422. Book Review: NetBeans IDE 7 Cookbook

  423. TodoMVC - Examples of MVC for JavaScript

  424. Semantic Versioning

  425. Vim for JavaScript

  426. Pollyfilling and Performance

  427. 2D Shapes in CSS

  428. Slicebox - 3D image slider

  429. Emberwind

  430. CSS Crush - PHP CSS Preprocessor

  431. Book Review: Node Web Development

  432. Bootstrap Toolkit from Twitter

  433. Progressive Enhancement 2.0

  434. Go Beyond NoSQL, Use NoDatabase

  435. Porcine Contest - Win onGameStart Ticket

  436. Future Web Editing

  437. Learn JavaScript with Object Graphs

  438. Animated ASCII Art

  439. JavaScript Academy

  440. JavaScript Patterns For Large-Scale Web-Apps

  441. Keyboard Shortcuts in JavaScript

  442. Three.js Game - Cubed

  443. Front-end Code Standards

  444. Windows batch - send message

  445. API Design: Boolean Trap

  446. OOP Tutorials - Ducks and Cars

  447. Deck JS - HTML Presentations

  448. Programmer Personality Test

  449. The Eight Levels of Programmers

  450. PL: Wstęp Do Programowania w Linuxie (Ubuntu)

  451. PL: PHP - Przestrzenie Nazw by porneL

  452. Node/MongoDB powered YUILibrary.com

  453. Play with Three.js - Particles

  454. Samuel L. Ipsum

  455. How Works Browser Engines

  456. Know Your Engines

  457. Add Lancher to Gnome-Shell dash

  458. Functional Programming For The Rest of Us

  459. Node Web Development

  460. JavaScript FAQ

  461. Google Page Speed Service

  462. Understand this Keyword in JavaScript

  463. Node.js at Scale

  464. Avoiding Common HTML5 Mistakes

  465. Joint - UML Diagrams with JavaScript

  466. JSFX - Sound Effect Generator

  467. Definitive Guide to Jenkins

  468. CreativeJS

  469. Deep Dive into HTML5 Canvas

  470. jQuery Boilerplate

  471. HTML5 and Games

  472. Id's in CSS Selectors

  473. Lazy in Programming

  474. Legacy Code

  475. CSS3 Radial Gradients

  476. JS News on Facebook

  477. Learn JavaScript and jQuery for Free.

  478. jQuery Performance

  479. Git Cheatsheet

  480. Minify - Speed for PHP Websites

  481. Web Intents

  482. HTML5 Security Cheatsheet

  483. JavaScript Tips and Tricks

  484. 20 Impressive Project From Mozilla Demo Studio

  485. SDJ Sierpień - NoSQL

  486. CSS Positioning Without Floats

  487. Run Unit Tests with Git Push

  488. JavaScript Strip Tags

  489. -moz-element in Firefox 4

  490. CSS3 Animations

  491. JavaScript Memory Management

  492. Programmers Health Problems (Wrist exercies)

  493. Node.js on Windows

  494. Make Awesome Web

  495. SpriteCow

  496. JavaScript Scoping and Hoisting

  497. Understanding delete

  498. Protect Career learning new technologies

  499. Gnome3 - Seed

  500. WebGL Security

  501. CSS Nyan Cat

  502. What makes them click

  503. JavaScript vs. ActionScript Speed

  504. Object Orinted CSS

  505. Mobile Web & Performance

  506. CSSLint

  507. SVN Move and Merge

  508. Genesis of OOP

  509. Asciiflow

  510. Node.js Tutorial: Blog

  511. Create Slides with Fathom.js

  512. A successful Git branching model

  513. webmaster.helion.pl

  514. Node Beginner Book

  515. Book of Speed

  516. Introduction to Git

  517. jVectorMap - SVG with jQuery

  518. NoSQL databases

  519. JavaScript Attack/Defense

  520. Static Website Generators

  521. CSS Text Shadow for Copy and Paste

  522. Webian Shell from Mozilla

  523. Podstawy wątków w Javie

  524. Getting started with html5boilerplate

  525. Easily renaming many files

  526. Presentations slides with html and css

  527. Common JavaScript mistakes

  528. Against hashbangs

  529. ES5 and use strict

  530. Hidden features of PHP

  531. micro-data - schema.org

  532. Scripts loaders and scripts concatenation

  533. Mixins in JavaScript

  534. 10 Oddities of JavaScript

  535. Facebook release management

  536. JavaScript prototypal inheritance

  537. JavaScript Libraries

  538. CSS3 Gradients

  539. CSS3 Media Queries

  540. JavaScript Server Engines

  541. 3D objects with only CSS3

  542. HTML5 and Accesibility

  543. Full Browser Width Bars

  544. Safe CSS Hacks

  545. JavaScript and UTF8 Dice

  546. NoSQL Databases comparision

  547. JavaScript - linkdump

  548. You don't need a service layer

  549. This in JavaScript

  550. Learn CSS3 Gradients

  551. SASS - future of CSS

  552. Declarative HTML and JavaScript with Angular

  553. jQuery QR-Code plugin

  554. JavaScript Publish/Subscribe Pattern

  555. CSS3 keyframe animations

  556. CSS Matrix

  557. Linux: search and replace recursively

  558. JavaScript Linux Emulator

  559. IE7 z-index fix

    EN IE PL
  560. JavaScript Module Pattern

  561. The Ins and Outs of Script Concatenation

  562. Work at facebook

  563. Speed comparison between Node.js, Tornado and Erlang server libraries

  564. Chrome Dev Tools

  565. Grep many files at once

  566. Sliding letters with jQuery

  567. Developer Expierience

  568. Sitting down is dangerous to You

  569. HTML5 and CDD Presentations

  570. Ubuntu Unity Indicators

  571. SVN - Prezentacja

  572. How to extend Firebug

  573. JS.next TC39 Harmony

  574. Evolution of Code Design at Facebook

  575. Vim File Explorer

  576. Path finding with Canvas

  577. Web font services

  578. Adaptive CSS Zen Garden

  579. JavaScript Resources

  580. Vim Config

  581. Three.js for beginners

  582. How to be an entrepreneur

  583. Workrave

  584. Radiotray in Unity

  585. CSS3 Patterns

  586. Speech input in Chrome

  587. WebGL - Three.js

  588. Konferencje

  589. HtML5 Canvas PL

  590. HTML5 localStorage PL

  591. JavaScript Modularization

  592. JSPP - Morph C++ into JavaScript

  593. Iframe src html content

  594. Raphael.js - vector graphics on the web

  595. Cross Origin Resource Sharing

  596. Msysgit Git Bash change drive

  597. CSS micro clearfix

  598. Node.js Beginner Book

  599. Ubuntu Unity Guide

  600. WebGL on Android

  601. Canvas Tutorial

  602. Progressive Enhancement in real world

  603. CSS3 Galery

  604. JavaScript Multi-touch

  605. Rare JavaScript Operators

  606. JavaScript Age

  607. Futurism or Future? Predictions about JavaScript.

  608. How to choose OpenSource license

  609. CSS3 Super Mario

  610. Why PHP has so bad reputation?

  611. Less PHP

  612. Google Chrome Hosted Apps Tutorial

  613. SDJ Maj

  614. Graph Editor - yEd

  615. QUnit

  616. HTML5 Boilerplate - PL

  617. X-UA-Compatible with Html5

  618. New Blogger Templates

  619. Turbine: Less CSS with PHP

  620. CSS Prefixer

  621. Coming Home to Vim

  622. jQuery Deferred and Promises

  623. Kurs WebGL

  624. Manifesto for Real Programmers..

  625. What Every TortoiseSVN user should know

  626. Chrome flags

  627. Vimium - Vim in Google Chrome

  628. SVN - hidden .svn directories

  629. Wczytywanie skryptów JS

  630. Timelines

  631. VimGolf

  632. TortoiseGit

  633. Unpacking JavaScript

  634. Why the static functions are a bad idea

  635. JavaScript Application Architecture

  636. CSS Tool-set

  637. Don't wake up the Programmer

  638. ZendFramework2

  639. Android detection for Websites

  640. Why NoSQL is bad?

  641. Tworzenie nowych Helperów Widoku w Zend Framework

  642. DevOps - SVN Workflow

  643. Essential JavaScript Design Patterns 1.1 (For Beginners)

  644. Node.js Beginner Introduction

  645. JavaScript MVC

  646. PhiloGL - new WebGL framework.

  647. Why You’re a Bad Programmer

  648. Eloquent JavaScript

  649. Funny but worth reading

  650. Slideshow with CSS

  651. Git - beginner tutorial

  652. JavaScript Garden

  653. JavaScript & Node.js

  654. To remember: IE cuts off html on JS errors

  655. CSS: Links

  656. Happy New Year! 2011

  657. Book Review: NetBeans Platform 6.9 Developers Guide

  658. 2010 September End of Book! Closing chapters review.

  659. After chapter 6: Nodes and Explorer Views

  660. Java Boolean in a loop

  661. NetBeans Platform Chapter 3: Window System

  662. NetBeans Platform chapters 1 and 2

  663. NetBeans Platform 6.9 Developer's Guide

  664. Vi, Python and Bash in learning queue

  665. Joomla! i inne sałatki....

  666. Java lub ...

  667. Wygrałem!!!! :D

  668. Concurrency and Actors

  669. Java - Basics

  670. Spring 3.0 on Google App Engine

  671. Java Camp 3 oraz Żałoba Narodowa

  672. Thoughts, languages, jobs...

  673. Moving back to Kraków

  674. Tomcat JVM Options Tuning

  675. Recenzja: Hibernate w Akcji

  676. jQuery in Action - Recenzja

  677. Recenzja "Core JavaServer Faces"

  678. SortTable po przeniesieniu do NetBeans

  679. 2009 October. WSEiP (WSEiA)

  680. inż.

  681. Pierwszy projekt JSF w Eclipse IDE

  682. Nowe książki(PL)

  683. Pleasing Software: Flex 4 vs JavaFX 1.2: Dance Battle

  684. Units Converter

  685. Posterous+Gmail, czyli to i owo o portalach "socjalnych" :)

  686. kenai - projekty

  687. Kenai

  688. NetBeans Blogger Plugin

  689. Praca....

  690. Rozwiązywanie układu równań metodą Gaussa

  691. Interpolacja funkcji metodą Lagrange'a

  692. Program zaliczeniowy: Gra w życie

  693. TIJ

  694. 2008 May. Temat Pracy

  695. zaczynam nowy kurs

  696. kurs java

  697. Strona Główna

  698. 2008 May. Początek - Beginning

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→ Old blog at krzychukula.blogspot.com

Number of posts: 698

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